Dimension Endowment Of Art 帝門藝術教育基金會

平安回家 A Safe Journey Home

創作者 養空間生活提案工作室 Cultivation for Space Studio
TBM鋼構組件、環境媒材 Tunnel boring machine (TBM) steel structure modules, environmental media

國道5號高速公路,對宜蘭民眾而言是一條平安的返鄉之路;雪山隧道,是國道5號高速公路建設中最艱難的工程。12.9公里的隧道,由於堅硬的地質與破碎的斷層,除了工程的技術難題,更是以集體意志力對抗大自然反撲的艱苦歷程。 經過13年的奮戰,雪隧導坑TBM北宜一號的身軀,每一寸都刻畫了辛苦開鑿的過程。機身上斑駁的鏽痕,是歲月的痕跡;是無數工程人員以血、以汗、以淚蝕刻出來的記憶。 本公共藝術,以重組的TBM與土地的對話,訴說深刻雋永的經歷。北宜一號,不再只是功成身退生硬冰冷的鋼材機件,更成為具有人性溫度的紀念豐碑。

To the people of Yilan, the National Freeway No. 5 is synonymous to a safe journey home, and the Hsuehshan Tunnel was the most daunting part of this freeway’s construction. The construction of this 12.9-km long tunnel had to overcome the area’s hard-rock geological conditions and broken faults, and in addition to the technical obstacles, it was also an arduous journey of collective willpower against nature’s counterattacks.
The onerous process, which took an extensive 13 years to complete,is seen on the body ofBeiyi No. 1, the tunnel boring machine (TBM) used to excavate the tunnel. Every rust spot on this machine is an imprint of time, and each mark is a memory of the blood, sweat, and tears of the countless people that worked on the construction. 
This public artwork presents a reassembled TBM to prompt a dialogue with the land and to pass on the story of this profound and legendary journey. Beiyi No. 1 is no longer just a piece of retired cold and rigid steel machinery after it has served its purpose; it is transformed into a memorial monument that shines with the warmth of humanity.