Dimension Endowment Of Art 帝門藝術教育基金會


  • 蔡仞姿 Tsai Yan-Chi

choi yan chi 蔡仞姿

I visited them and asked "where is your favourite corner?" Then i took a series of photos. This time i use photos for my installation because photo images are direct. Sometimes they say a lot. I went through my documentation slowly and made my choice. Every image has a story, though they may be very simple. However when all these images are linked together, they form a picture. We should be familiarised with these profile, only we seldom give them a close look. Now these photos just flourished us with a full reflection of where we are.

1978年美國芝加哥藝術學院獲藝術碩士學院,當時已開始參與裝置活動,為香港裝置藝術先行者。93年被邀請參與在澳洲舉行的第一屆亞太藝術三年展,同年被德國柏林Haus der Kulturen der Weh邀請作個展。1989及90年獲亞洲艾化協會及英國文化協會資助遊居英美。1993-96年間多次獲得加拿大藝術局資助。1999年出版個人作品集它們正在呼吸...她曾在香港理工學院太古設計系、香港大學藝術系和香港演藝學院任教,現任職香港專業教育學院設計系。

Choi received a Master's degree in Fine Arts form the School of the Art, instimte of Chieago in 1978. Choi was invited for a solo show in 1993 by Haus der Kulturen der Weh in Germany and partieipated in the First Asia-Pacific Trennial of Contemporary Art in Australia. She received major grants form Asian Cultural Council, The British Council and Canada Art Council. Choi previously lectured at Hong Kong Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and she currently teaches at the Design Department, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education. In 1999, she published her monograph Books are breathing...

  • 圖書共有2本圖書 :
  • 書(刊)名稱 |蔡仞姿裝置作品1989-1998
  • 作者 : 蔡仞姿 ( 國家別:香港 / 語言:中文英文 / 出版者:蔡仞姿 : ,88 )
  • 書(刊)名稱 |歪米 = Bad rice
  • 作者 : 蔡仞姿,郭家賜,羅頌雅,李志芳,文晶瑩,石家豪,張景熊,陳鳳珍,Scott Redford,V.C.+K.H. ( 國家別:香港 / 語言:中文英文 / 出版者:1a空間,帝門藝術教育基金會 : ,88 )
  • 期刊共有2本期刊 :
  • 感性的世故-香港當代的隱性生態
  • 書(刊)名稱:典藏今藝術( 卷期:210 / 頁次:122-125 / 出版日期 :2010-03 )
    作者 : 蔡仞姿
  • 捨棄與重組的嘗試─蔡仞姿的裝置藝術
  • 書(刊)名稱:雄獅美術( 卷期:198 / 頁次:052-056 / 出版日期 :1987-08 )
    作者 : 夏令人