Dimension Endowment Of Art 帝門藝術教育基金會



策劃單位 手日生活有限公司 Make a Day Co., Ltd.
創作者 馬可.卡薩格蘭 Marco Casagrande​

不鏽鋼、鋼骨、卵石/Stainless steel, Steel, gravel

雅美人身手矯健以擅無裝備徒身自由 潛水和應用魚叉獵魚聞名於世。族裡長者曾分享到,大魚喜在暗黑地夜半時分游 近蘭嶼沿岸,雅美潛者靈敏非常,甚至仍僅漂坐在海上的拼板舟上就能感知大魚的動向。潛進漆黑的水域裡獵魚此舉近乎超人行為。這極致敏感性需和大自然共 振合一才能達成,而這樣的感受力早被現代人遺忘。
Volongat pays homage to one of the many Formosan indigenous tribes, the Yamis of the remote Orchid Island, Taitung County.
The Yamis are masters of free diving and spearfishing. The Yamis say that the biggest fishes come closer to the Orchid Island shores at dark hours and that the divers are so sensitive, that they can feel the big fish to their canoes. Diving in the dark after the fish is an act of almost super-human condition. This sensitivity requires ultimate resonation with nature and use of senses, which the modern man has forgotten long time ago.
Volongat is a temple for natural senses and the primary connection between human nature and the rest of nature. The visitor may “dive” into the meditative space presented by this Yamis architecture, where the modern world disappears in order to realize, that the things are the same.


不鏽鋼、LED/Stainless steel, LED

Qing-Yang Xiao-The first Taiwanese Grammy nominee for Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package, derived this recreation from his packaging design "Story Island". With the aim of richly cultivating Taitung while showing concern for the world's beauty and sadness, his idea developed while praying for blessing. The golden coin is a 71 times magnification of a $50NT coin, and the silver coin is a 69 times magnification of a $10NT coin. Best wishes for you! May you be prosperous and may your dreams come true!

比西里岸之夢 Pisilian
江賢二 Paul Chiang

3mm霧面塑鋁板與氟碳烤漆/Aluminum Composite panels、fluoro resin(PVDF) coating
位於臺東火車站大廳兩側牆面的作品《比西里岸之夢》,創作靈感來自東海岸多元的地景樣貌和豐沛的文化能量,創作者江賢二以柔細筆觸與色彩綻放的繪畫風格表現背山面海、氣候和暖的東海岸特色,巨幅畫作形式融入火車站大廳站體設計,賦予車站空間無限延伸的想像空間。 位於大廳右側的《比西里岸之夢一》,描繪臺東的海天淨土與花團錦簇,展現東海岸原始的自然色彩與生命力。大廳左側的《比西里岸之夢二》,利用層層用色再現臺灣山巒間的細緻變化,流露著對於原鄉土地的無限情懷。《比西里岸之夢》秉持著對大自然造物的謙卑精神,流露難以替代的感人光韻,藉此以在地之名呼喚大眾對土地的關注,在感知靈光乍現的片刻,開啓一段關乎土地記憶、自然與美的夢想旅程。
Pisilian1 is installed on both walls of the concourse of Taitung Train Station and was inspired by the diverse landscape and rich cultural heritage of the east coast of Taiwan. The soft fine strokes and vibrant colors in the paintings of Paul Chiang are the perfect vehicle to convey the mountain-sea vistas and warm climate of the coast. In addition, these huge paintings also imbue the space with a sense of boundless imagination. On the right wall Pisilian I depicts the splendid natural sights of Taitung, showcasing their primitive natural color and vitality. On the left wall, Pisilian II uses the layering of colors to highlight the subtle changes in Taiwan’s mountain ranges, revealing an infinite passion for this place. Pisilian expresses mankind’s humility before Mother Nature, displaying an irreplaceable and deeply moving aura that encourages people to cherish the land in which they live, through the name given by local residents. The moment viewers come to this realization, they embark on a dreamlike journey about land memory, nature and beauty.